Happy Earth Day

A day to celebrate the earth and raise our awareness of what we can do to consume less energy and produce less waste.

Here's a couple of simple things you can do today:

1) Unplug your cell phone charger when not in use - it continues to draw power even when not charging your phone.

2) Turn off your computer when you go to bed.

3) Which is better: paper or plastic? Neither. Reusable canvas bags are now sold at most grocery stores. It's simple to buy a few and leave them in your car when needed.

4) Use your own coffee container. Many coffee shops including Starbucks will give you a discount when you bring your own. And for today, April 22, they will give you free coffee in your own cup! If you have to go out an buy a reusable cup that basically pays for it.

5) Use greener cleaning products. Besides being better to your health natural products are produced in more green ways. We use local products, but a good place to start is Seventh Generation which is also now offered at many regular grocery stores usually in the organic sections. We also love Pink Solution, this cleaner is really amazing and doesn't give you a headache. Many conventional cleaners have ammonia and the ones that say they are "magic" contain formaldehyde - both are known carcinogens.

6) Get a water filter instead of using bottled water. When you buy one bottle of water you are actually using 6 bottles worth of water due to the manufacturing of the plastic.


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